Choosing a Social Network for the business.


English: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Which social network do I choose for my business?  Choosing social media sites for a business is hard.  Many businesses have rushed in without thinking which site will benefit them.  Other businesses underestimated the time and effort in maintaining the sites.  To avoid the grief, take the time to think about the business and work out which social site is the best fit.  Social Media is a business extension, a virtual personality.

If your business deals with consumers, other businesses, is a charity, a community or government organisation; decide on the platform which helps get your message to your market audience.  Decide upon the look, feel and what social media strategy (goals) you want to do on these platforms when you engage with your audience.  Focus on how you can deliver the customer service on these platforms.

It’s becoming important to give the people who “follow” or “like you” an option to receive information about your products or services.  People want the freedom to choose, they don’t want constant bombardment of business emails.  In Laura Click’s article, she names several social platforms that are popular but I prefer to stick to the most common ones.


This platform is ideal for connecting with consumers directly due to the young audience demographic and the growing older participation rate.  It is great for customer engagement, getting feedback, customer service, testing ideas, promotions and announcements (community or charity involvement).


I look at this platform as an instant messenger where the business can offer quick customer service, engage with the community and business opportunities.  It also allows your business to check what people are saying and what your competitor is doing.

Good customer service requires high profession...

Good customer service requires high professional and social skills. Photo: ZVG Deutsch: Eine gute Kundenberatung erfordert hohe Fach- und Sozialkompetenz. Foto: ZVG (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


This is a more professional network for business to business opportunities.  People can join groups and engage with other people in similar industries or professions to develop new business opportunities.

It is crucial to choose one or two social platforms to master when you begin.  Many businesses fail in social media as they try to master too many at once.  With the amount of time and energy spent in a developing your social media voice, choosing the right platform is crucial.  In essence, social media is another form of building a relationship with your customers.  Concentrate on how to deliver this customer service.  Which social media platform is best for the business?  How many social media platforms did you start of with?  Do I add an email option?

Contributing Article:

A Brand Enhancer in Communications. I fit naturally with technology, curious about science and avid consumer of news to gain insights. You can follow me on Google+ , LinkedIn , Twitter .

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Posted in Business, Ideas, Strategy
5 comments on “Choosing a Social Network for the business.
  1. lauraclick says:

    Thanks for mentioning my article! I’m glad it inspired you to write something similar. You’re right – it’s important that businesses start small so they don’t end up abandoning their efforts later because they can’t stay on top of it all.

  2. Arnold says:

    I enjoy your wordpress format, where did you get a hold of it?

  3. […] Choosing a Social Network for the business. ( […]

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